Friday, August 22, 2008


Category: Finance, Credit.

Some people are simply not aware of their level of power when it comes to credit card companies.

That is simply not true and here is some very good news for you! Are you one that has thought in the past that there really is nothing you can do in regards to your payments or interest rates? There are several steps you can take to reduce your interest and save you hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars every year. Would you like to see more of your hard earned money go towards that principal that you are trying so hard to pay off? Have you felt frustrated to see your minimum payment only has a few dollars applied to the principal? Be confident and comfortable while following these steps and you will soon see that you can keep credit card companies from ripping you off. If they say NO, ask if there is any other way to lower your interest rate.

Contact your credit card companies and ask them if they have a balance transfer rate that is lower than your normal interest rate. (Be sure and ask what the fees are for doing a balance transfer and do the math to make sure it makes sense. ) Also ask if your credit line can be increased for a balance transfer. If they still say NO, sometimes the card company will lower the rate if you talk about moving your account to another company. I would really like to stay with you but I can t tolerate your interest rate. Say, "I m getting offers in the mail almost daily to transfer my money at 0% . Is there a different department I need to talk with to discuss closing my account? " (This will usually get you transferred to the retention department or a supervisor who has more authority to lower your rates. ) Explain that you want to balance transfer to a lower interest rate or lower your APR and can they help you. (30% to 40% of the time managers are willing to help. ) If you ve had problems with your card in the past( late payments, etc, above your limits. ) ask if your standing with them has been long enough to" cure the account? " Also ask if they can review this without doing an inquiry. (Credit check) . Every two months you should be calling your credit card companies and asking them to lower your interest rates. Sometimes simply calling and saying, "I m shopping around, what can you do to lower my APR? " (annual percentage rate) is enough to get them to lower your rates.

WHY YOUR CREDIT CARD INTEREST RATES MAY HAVE GONE UP. You were late with another debt. (Under the universal default penalties clause if stated in your contract. ) Card issuers regularly check their customers credit reports for late payments on any of their bills. You were late with a payment. Any late payments can be used as an excuse to trigger an increase in your credit card s interest rate, even if you have never made a late payment to the card issuer. The receiving bank has the option of changing the conditions, if stated in your contract. Your issuer merged with another entity. The bank s cost of borrowing money has increased. (Has to be in the contract. ) There are some individuals that have too much credit card debt and it is nearly impossible to get out of.

Although not an ideal situation, bankruptcy can get some, of your debt, if not all forgiven. People who have experienced this usually have, or will soon experience bankruptcy too. This should be your last choice though, a last resort. The tips listed in this article can give you some ideas to start controlling your debt and payments.


Credit Card Is A Usual Tool For Shopping And In General, Most Financial Transactions The World Over - Finance and Credit:

Credit card is a usual tool for shopping and in general, most financial transactions the world over. This refers to the balances on your account.

Study Your Credit Card Bill - Finance and Credit Articles:

In this day and age, cash is slowly being edged out by the purchasing power of the credit card. After all, credit cards are easy to carry and use.

When Credit Repair Was Relatively New, It Was Easy - Finance and Credit Articles:

When credit repair was relatively new, it was easy.

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